Poly Planet GAIA | ecosexual love | arts of loving | global holistic health | eros | dissidence: 5-Day Summer Courses
Showing posts with label 5-Day Summer Courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5-Day Summer Courses. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ecosexuality: Becoming a Resource of Love - Join Us in Portland, OR, July 17-21, for an Enchanting Summer Course

EcoSexuality: Becoming A Resource of Love - Portland, OR: July 17-21

Photo by Teri Ciacchi

Would you like to know how to generate all the love you want in your life and the lives of your beloveds, families, and communities?  Join us for this five-day residential intensive and learn how to become a resource of love.  EcoSexuality is the art of loving beyond genders, numbers, orientations, ages, races, and species to embrace all of life as a partner with equal rights.  It’s the art of becoming a resource of love for Gaia.

         Super Early Bird: 1st 3 Sign-Ups at 50% Tuition

                                                                 Offer expires on April 1st

Photo by Mina Bast
How can EcoSexuality help one become an abundant resource of love?  This summer program brings together activists, scholars, students, professionals, educators, and practitioners of the arts of loving and living ecologically who are interested in co-creating a culture of Gaian-centered, life-positive, sex-positive living.  Avatar of EcoSexual theory Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi and Bruce Bartlett of Living Love Revolution come together as co-facilitators, anchors, and hosts to bring this unique experience to you.  We understand EcoSexual Love as the art of loving beyond conventional limitations to embrace love as the ecology of life.  We are passionate about empowering fellow humans to become resources of love who generate together all the love we, and our elective families and communities can use.  As resources of love, we can turn scarcity into abundance, fear into hope, hatred into love.  

The location of the course is the White Oak Retreat Center nested in the forested hills of North West Portland, OR.  An eco-centric design community home with high green metrics, it hosts up to 25 participants.  It features multiple wings, floors, multiuse day rooms and bedrooms, private and shared spaces, bathrooms, and lavatories.  The outdoor amenities available for EcoSensual and EcoSexual experiences include meadows, forests, trees, bushes, marshes, and liminal spaces like multiple balconies, a lanai, fire circle, and Jacuzzi.  Indoor facilities include a wide cooking, food preparation, and dining area, multiple workshop spaces, lounges, and massage areas.  We will cater healthy meals with vegetarian options.  The center offers various combinations of shared and semi-private overnight arrangements in accordance with the versatility of its interior spaces.  We invite participants to express their preferences so we can match them with available resources.

Super Early Bird: 1st 3 Sign-Ups at 50% Tuition

Join Our Mailing ListOffer expires on April 1st
Room and Board: Add $ 200 per person
Payable by May st to Teri Cacchi at

Mina Bast
In the course, we will explore EcoSomatics, Embodiment, and EcoPsychology as tools to transform into resources of love.  As we understand the inherent connection between our bodies and the planetary body of Gaia as ecosystems, we will explore the dynamic relationship between our inner landscapes and the forces of nature that map the outer landscapes we’re part of.   Exercises will facilitate the body’s energy centers resonance with waters, lands, mountains, forests, bacteria, the animal world, air, winds, astral, aural, and energetic bodies.  We understand erotic energy and love as immanent life forces that can be sourced when reverence for the forces of nature is activated.  This reverence transforms into the source of one’s power to generate love.  

Mina Bast
Transformative tools will be used in a wide range of effective small group experiences designed as community sustainability practices. Participants will gain a better understanding of the complex social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and experiential dynamics inherent to becoming a resource of love for themselves and their communities.  They will become aware of EcoSexual practices designed to sustain communities as we all learn to become resources of love for ourselves, for each other, and for third planet Gaia or the Earth.

The course includes small group learning, individual mentoring, real-world case studies and field experiences.  Skills we will engage with include workable definitions of love, solo ecosexual stewarding of natural places, peer counseling practices for working holistically with emotions and self care practices that include, meditation, yoga and ecstatic dance.  There is a specific focus on developing the ability to be a present and grounded resource of love.  You will learn to generate oxytocin, the hormone of love and connectedness, through aural, visual and vibrational energy exchanges in a safe and consensual container.

Teri Ciacchi
Our daily EcoSensual practices will include solo, small and large group processes from many spiritual lineages.  The initial focus is enhancing your capacity for intimacy, creating unity consciousness and embodying love.  The next step is an initiation ritual with sacred sexuality practices culminating on Saturday evening.  Participants will practice various consensual degrees of sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness that open the inner landscape and chakra system to the planetary embrace of EcoSexual Love.  The art of EcoSexual Love will expand the range of sensations participants experience as pleasure and the range of emotions they experience as love.  

 Super Early Bird: 1st 3 Sign-Ups at 50% Tuition

Offer expires on April 1st
Room and Board: Add $ 200 per person
Payable by May st to Teri Cacchi at
Join Our Mailing List

Who will benefit from this program?
  1. Activists, scholars, students, professionals, educators, and practitioners of the arts of loving and living ecologically.
  2. Individuals who see love and building communities around a shared value of love as a foundation of sustainable relatedness.
  3. Environmental and sustainability advocates interested in learning how to apply the principles of permaculture to human relatedness and social fabric remediation.
  4. Practitioners of the arts of loving in its infinite forms of expression.
  5. Participants in styles of love based in sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness and other forms of open relating.  
  6. Green entrepreneurs and organizers with a desire to expand their earth loving practices to the infinite forms of expressions Gaian love can take.
  7. People interested in learning how to host spaces of love in the guise that third-planet Gaia does for its multiple beings.
  8. People skilled in being a resource of love for themselves and in their intimate relationships who want to extend that ability to large communities and ecosystems.
  9. People who wish to extend their nature-living skills and practices to human communities.
Photo credits to Mina Bast, thank you!

Who we are and why we bring this to you

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD, heralded the EcoSexuality movement with her book Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  She was invited to keynote at EcoSexuality Symposia in San Francisco and Portland.  She believes that "a world where it is safe to live is a world where it is safe to love," and that "love is the ecology of life."  She interprets love as an art and teaches practices of love that honor amorous inclusiveness and sexual fluidity.  Her first course in EcoSexuality was taught with Robert Silber in Italy. 

Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi MSW is the founder of Living Love Revolution and has created a system of EcoMagicks and EcoSexual practices called the LLR Aphrodite Priestess Training.  She is a holistic healer and sex educator who merges specific lineages of Wicca, Tibetan Buddhism, Ceremonial Magick and psychiatric social work to create accessible daily practices grounded in love. She specializes in rituals that honor the Divine Feminine and manifest the presence of love in the practice of EcoSomatics, Embodiment and EcoPsychology.

Bruce Bartlett is the creator and caretaker of the White Oak Retreat Center in Portland, OR.  He advocates an EcoSexual approach to life, including holistic living, inclusive hospitality, land stewardship, permaculture, ritual music, ecstatic movement, and green metrics.  He is a food system activist and an all-around dedicated practitioner of the arts of living and loving in Portland. 

Join Our Mailing List
Dear Earthlings,

You can't miss this opportunity to become an abundant resource of love.  Join us in Portland for an enchanting summer course, July 17-21,2013. With EcoSexuality: Becoming a Resource of Love, you will learn how to generate all the love you want in your life and the lives of your beloveds, families, and communities.  Space is limited, so sign up now.  Be one of the first three participants to benefit from the limited offer of a 50 percent tuition discountThe offer expires on April 1st.  Meals and residential arrangements are an added $ 200 payable in full by May 1st. We look forward to welcoming you at the White Oak Retreat Center in July!  

Super Early Bird: 1st 3 Sign-Ups at 50% Tuition

Room and Board: Add $ 200 per person 
Payable by May 1st to Teri Ciacchi at



Join Our Mailing List

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ecosessualità: Un corso sulle arti dell’amore consapevole

Ecosessualità: Un corso sulle arti dell’amore consapevole 

Solo 500 Euro fino al 30 giugno!

Robert Silber, M.S., LMT e    
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD 
insegnano il primo corso interamente bilingue 
sull'ecosessualità e le arti dell'amore condiviso

Desideri che ti accompagni quella persona del cuore?
Offri un certificato regalo di 50 Euro


Desideri espandere la comunità di persone con cui condividi amore, fiducia, rapporto, intimità e piacere?  Hai voglia di sviluppare i tuoi talenti di artista dell’amore?

Siamo convinti che l’amore sia un’arte.  Se sviluppata consapevolmente, quest’arte dell’amore può apportare creatività, gioia e pace alle nostre vite e al mondo.  Desideriamo condividere con te le nostre conoscenze delle arti di amare e guidarti a sviluppare le tue.  Portare più fiducia, allegria, e abbondanza nella tua vita amorosa fa bene a te, agli/e altri/e e al pianeta.

Il corso facilita il tuo sviluppo come artista dell’amore consapevole.  Aumenterà il tuo potenziale come risorsa d’amore per le tue comunità e reti di amicizie.

Iscriviti con noi per cinque giorni di esercizi e attività che ti stimoleranno la mente, il corpo, e il cuore.  Pratica le tecniche di comunicazione che aiutano a sentirsi più presenti e legati agli/e altri/e.   Esperimenta le modalità di tatto e massaggio che portano all’estasi.  Condividi profondamente con coloro che come te risuonano con passione per la verità, la comunità, e la bellezza delle relazoni autentiche.  Impara ad apprezzare i tuoi talenti per l’espressione erotica e ad usarli piacevolmente e rispettosamente.  Sii presente alla tua natura di risorsa d’ amore.
Dove: Casa di Fervento - Boccioleto
Via Val Sermenza 18, Varallo (Vercelli)
Quando: 16-21 luglio, 2011
Costo del corso: 500 Euro per persona
POSTI LIMITATI!  Iscriviti ora per solo 
500 fino al 30 giugno

Pensione completa con 
opzione vegetariana:
350 Euro da pagarsi all'arrivo
Per la cucina genuina della famosa Stella Procopio 
Ora sono anche disponibili appartamentini 
al vicino Residence Pineta

Alcune delle questioni che intendiamo affrontare includono:

Come può una sensualità consapevole migliorare le proprie relazioni sessuali e agire come forza di pace e giustizia nel mondo?  Come possiamo pienamente apprezzare e sviluppare i nostri diversi talenti per l’amore e l’espressione?  È possible vivere in uno stato di maggiore intimità (non necessariamente di tipo sessuale) con un’intera comunità invece che solamente con un’altra persona?  Che ruolo può avere nello sviluppo personale e globale una rete espansa di amicizie amorose che condividono questi desideri?  Come possiamo soddisfare le nostre necessità di contatto e intimità anche in relazioni che non siano sessuali?  Come possiamo dar sfogo alle nostre emozioni ed esprimere la nostra verità personale in modo da rafforzare la fiducia, costruire rapporto, e creare comunità?

Tu ci porti i tuoi unici talenti.   

Noi ti appoggiamo nella scoperta delle arti dell’amore consapevole.

Proprietà intellettuale condvisa di 3WayKiss e Conscious Sensuality

Desideri iscriverti con chi viene con te?  Offriamo sconti speciali per due o tre partecipanti che si iscrivono insieme! 
POSTI LIMITATI!  Approfitta ora!

Corso Ecosex - for 2 or 3

Who we are and why we teach this:

Robert Silber, M.S, LMT: Since entering the realm of conscious sensuality, he has studied and taught with the Network for New Culture, One Taste, Essensual Evolution (co-founder), and worked with many sacred sexuality and tantra teachers. He practices ashtanga yoga, is a licensed massage therapist, and loves to give massage incorporating the elements of lomi lomi, thai, cranial sacral and pelvic release techniques in a process that is deeply empowering and transformative.  He also provides conscious sensuality coaching via phone/email/in person.
He is a nature lover, master gardener, and was appointed by Robert Kennedy, Jr. as a Riverkeeper. He has worked in the fields of environmental activism, political organizing with Sierra Club, is a certified permaculture designer and co-founded an intentional community and environmental education center in Hawai’i.
He brings these two aspects together in the Kipuka Temple Community, where he has provided a framework of sensual living involving beautiful spaces, permaculture gardens, sustainable living, spiritual cultivation, and perhaps most importantly - a community grounded in conscious communication and intimacy building.
From this location, Robert travels to the mainland and internationally to lead workshops and events.  He is currently finishing a book on conscious sensuality, community and sustainability.
Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD, is a writer, professor, leader, healer, and activist in the paradigm shift toward a Gaian future where humanity makes peace with our hostess planet. She is a successful coach and workshop leader working on polyamory and bisexuality issues. She believes that the Sacred Sex Movement, the Global Ecology Movement and the Holistic Health Movement are part of this paradigm shift. She is currently active in the global Polyamory, Bisexuality, Ecosexuality, and AIDS Dissidence movements and communities. Her latest book, Gaia & the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet, was released in September 2009, from North Atlantic Books, Berkeley. It is now available digitally in Kindle edition, and is a Silver Winner in Cosmology and New Science for the Nautilus Book Awards. Serena is a world class keynote speaker and workshop leader who has presented in California, Washington State, New England, the United Kingdom, and Greece. She also coaches clients on ecosexuality and relatedness issues.
Serena offers coaching sessions to participants interested in healthy, sustainable inclusive relationships.
Robert offers conscious sensuality sessions to interested participants.  

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ecosexuality: A Course in the Arts of Conscious Loving

Ecosexuality: A Course in the Arts of Conscious Loving

What's ecosexuality?  Just a new buzz word for vegetarian with green bed sheets?  A new sexual orientation to connect with a new-age dreamy date in a chat room?  A new theory? 

It is of course all of these--and none of them.  In this course, we propose Ecosexuality as a new style in the arts of loving that is conscious of how important these arts are in process of making peace with humanitiy's hostess, the third planet Gaia.

Ecosexuality is a way of being sexual that's ecological, natural, balanced, amorous, exploring, playful, inclusive, adventurous, holistic, sacred, Gaian, erotic, considerate, consensual, responsible, and healthy, all simultaneously, separately, and in different proportions.

The emphasis in the course is on teaching styles of being amorous that are also ecological.   Ecoloogy has to do with balance and proportion.  For example, if a species reproduces excessively, the balance of an ecosystem is lost.  But when all species are present in sustainable proportions, the ecosystem is healthy and whole.

There is an ecology to sexuality too.  Many paths allow lovers and amorous people to access the ecstasy, the joy, the communion, the bliss of conscious erotic love.  Some include 'natural' intermediaries: the ocean, the sky, the moon, mountains, lakes, rivers have all been known to inspire lovers to ecstatic bliss.  Other intermediaries are more 'human made': the arts, poetry, scents, foods, wines, jacuzzis, watsu pools, leather, silk, floggers, film, fetishes, videos, sex toys, and a whole assortment of other aphrodisiacs inspire people to become amorous in a variety of sexual ways and paths to erotic ecstasy.  The contemplation of other people in love and the feeling of inclusiveness that emanates therein can be a powerful erotic inspiration too. 

We believe that love is an art that can be learned consciously.  We do not make conclusive statements on that the 'nature' of human love can be.  However, we affirm that every person has a very special talent to love.  The intent of the course is to nurture that talent into an artistic form that graces the person and his/her amorous communities with an abundant healthy dosage of the arts of loving.

We propose a wide sampling of these arts, including elements of meditation, touch, sensuality, cuddling, massage, pleasuring, self-pleasuring, communication, mirroring, witnessing, compersion, polyamory, bi-sensuality, sexual play, bonding and domination, fetishism, sexual play, tantra, and more.  These practices are taught as styles of amorous expression that help participants develop their talents as artists of love.

The encouragement is for students to become better resources of love for their communities.  We do not encourage the formation of identities around any of these practices more than any other.  Any combination of them that develops the amorous talents of participants is ecosexual to the extent that it makes the world more abundant with resources of conscious love.

This course is a work in progress.  So far, the main areas are:
Compersion: The Spirit of Polyamory
Fluid Bonding and the Health/Safety of Erotic Communities
The Pleasure of the Other: Becoming a Resource of Love
Flogassage: The Bioenergetics of Multiple Loves

Developed by Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD, for the intellectual property of 3WayKiss