Dear Earthlings:
you've faithfully followed this series to finally arrive at the beginning. The two snapshots of this week are part of the symposium's intro. Who was Lynn Margulis? With whom can we compare her? Many names of great significance came up, including Galileo, Copernicus, Darwin, and Humboldt. But most of all she was free. She thought with her own head and she was fearless. And she was fortunate enough to be in a time and place where the potential of her being could be actualized. And she was wise enough to stay in that space of freedom even when conforming would have been easier. That's why those comparisons are well deserved. Authentic science is not science-for-profit, and it doesn't come easy, yesterday as today. But the mind is a wonderful machine and life a great experiment. And if you've come so far in this mini journey, perhaps you've developed an appreciation for Lynn Margulis and her view of evolution. Remember it's very simple. If the Gaia hypothesis is true, every time you feel like helping someone, every time that impulse to help gets a hold of you, every time you share resources, every time you're frugal, every time you're generous, every time you take care of an ecosystem near you, you're simply acting according to nature and are helping the process of evolution one itty bit step further. Isn't that nice?
James Walker introduces Lynn s friend, professor of "hallucinogenic plants." Did Lynn "know" nature in the "Biblical sense, I mean from experience? That's a good thing for a scientist, no?
Peter Westbroeck of Leiden University in Holland hails Lynn Margulis as a modern day Copernicus.
Dear Earthlings:
Education is the heart of democracy. And that includes education to love. It comes in many forms. Including learning about Lynn Margulis, the role of collaboration in evolution, and Gaia theory.
Education is the heart of democracy. And that includes education to love. It comes in many forms. Including learning about Lynn Margulis, the role of collaboration in evolution, and Gaia theory.
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Come back! And stay tuned for more wonders.
Come back! And stay tuned for more wonders.
Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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