Poly Planet GAIA | ecosexual love | arts of loving | global holistic health | eros | dissidence

Sunday, January 29, 2012

PostaHouse - MISSION, Values, Seasons, Facility, Locale, Description, Rules of Engagement, Advance Payments

Dear Earthlings:

At PostaHouse we're ready to go for our season of living and loving sustainably.  Here's the mission, opportunities, and rules of engagements.


PostaHouse is an intentional community and holistic vacation center devoted to education in the arts of healing, loving, and living sustainably.  The vision of this school of ecosexual love is to educate the whole person and to include our hostess, planet earth, as a partner with equal rights in all practices of love, including the cosmic, planetary, spiritual, affectional, romantic, and erotic manifestations of this life-giving energy.

Community Values and Behaviors

At PostaHouse we believe that "a world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live."  We create, invent, imagine, host, and facilitate events and daily-living experiments that open up the portals of this world.  We believe that love is the ecology of life.  We welcome this cosmic energy in our midst, and channel its power in life-enhancing, peaceful, and sustainable ways.

We prefer vegetarian food unless animal food is available that comes from animals whose life has been happy.  We welcome clothing optional behavior when it is physically sustainable and while it is socially acceptable.  In the workshop room, we offer a clothing optional environment to facilitators who desire it.  We encourage the practice of yoga, physical exercise, contact with nature, enjoyment of pleasure, and meditation.  We requite compassionate communication and non-violent behavior.

PostaHouse is open for retreats, courses, workshops, and events from June 1st to September 30th.  It is open for community living from October 1st to May 31st.  Residencies are a unique opportunity to experiment with inhabiting, stewarding, and activating a restored early 1700 home, which was also a laboratory for everything the family produced, consumed, and recycled, in the barter, subsistence economy of the age.  At 300 + years old, this historical place has a lot to offer in guidance and memory to those seeking eco-sustainable styles of living in the digital age.  For opportunities and requirements see below. 

Summer Season and Rules of Engagement

Our workshop and facility is open for courses, retreats, workshops, and events from June 1st to September 30th.  We rent our workshop room for € 90 a day for up to 9 participants and not including facilitators.  We may add a € 10 fee per day per additional participant.  We may add midday meal for an additional fee as well.  

We are equipped to offer hospitality to facilitators, at no additional fee.  The nearby area is equipped to host visitors in eco-sustainable pensione type of facilities called agriturismi.  In addition to room and services, agriturismo guests get to sample locally produced foods prepared in characteristic ways.  Two of them are especially recommended, each a 5-10 minute car drive away.  Casale Valenzano and La Quercia are especially recommended, with seasonal prices varying from € 30 to 60 per day per person, including breakfast.  Other accommodations are available in the town of Posta, in close walking distance to PostaHouse.  Also available are a spat of fairly good restaurants, trattorias, and cafe, all in close walking distance.  Camping with one's own equipment is available in the garden of PostaHouse, with direct access to the half bath on the veranda.

Description of Locale and Facility
Located in the Alto Lazio region about two hours north-east of Rome, Posta is rich in fine mountain air, genuine traditions, tasty foods, and beautiful woods and forests. At 700 meters altitude, it stays nice and cool all year round.

Posta is located on the new Salaria highway, SS # 4, which branches out of Rome's turnpike, or GRA. Posta is about 40 minutes from the local city of Rieti and the Terminillo sky resort.

PostaHouse is a recently remodeled townhouse residence with private garden and veranda.  It features a workshop room for up to 15 participants.  This activity room is completely insulated, has an independent entrance, bathroom, and heating system, and is equipped with back-jacks, floor-mats, padding, high-speed internet, wi-fi, and sound system.  The residence is also equipped with high-speed internet, wi-fi all around, two autonomous heating furnaces, fully equipped large kitchen with gas stove, large fridge and dishwasher, two bedrooms, a large dining room, one and a half bath, a den, a sunny veranda, and a large garden accessed by a spiral staircase.  Its three-century old stone walls are a warm buffer from the Apennine winter, and a perfectly cool shelter from any summer heat.

Google Earth Link for Posta 

Residencies: Committment and Rules of Engagement

Residencies are available October 1st to May 31st for a minimum of one-week stay.  To cover the costs of heating, electricity, internet, other utilities, and municipal taxes, we ask for a donation based on the number of people in the house.  For one or two  people, the donation will be of €10 per person per day.  When three people are in a residency together, the donation is only €8 per person/day.  This includes heating (when necessary), bedding, bath with hot water, and the use of the kitchen and fridge.  It does not include food or transportation.  

PostaHouse is a self-servicing holistic community.  Residents will contribute two hours of housework per day for five days a week.  These hours will be dedicated to run-of-the-mill housekeeping chores and meal preparation, for a total of 10 hours per week.  Residents are also encouraged to participate in community development projects.  These include tending the property and keeping its assets and systems in good repair; developing projects in gardening, digital systems installation, adapting and equipping spaces, construction, and painting; doing the research for such projects both locally and digitally; community awareness and bonding with the local cultures. Residents will dedicate a maximum of six hours per week to such projects.

With a total of 16 hours per week (ten in chores and six in projects) PostaHouse offers residents a significant opportunity to learn to live sustainably in a healthy environment, with freedom, good company, and a pristine landscape to explore and style to taste and inclinations. 

Are you ready to sign up for a residency with us?  Your donation will be acknowledged and credited to you as soon as it arrives.  We will reply to you and make plans for your arrival.  Be sure to let us know in good advance when you'll be coming.  Thank you!

For detailed images and information, visit the CasaSerenaGaia album on Facebook or go to Serena's Website/Places.

John Overton, Resident-in-Charge, blogs at John in Europe: Aligning with Gaia in Love
Updates are available on PostaHouse Blog and at PostaHouse on Poly Planet Gaia.

Are you excited?  Ready to offer your skills, time, participation?  Let us know.  Email postahouseitalia@gmail.com with a query or a proposal, and we'll get back to you.  Our calendar is open.  Let us know what spot we can reserve.  Let's serve together toward a "world where it is safe to live because it is safe to love." 

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire

Author of Gaia (2009), Eros (2006), and The "Weak" Subject (1998) 
Award Winner with Nautilus and Finalist with Lambda
Editor of BiTopia (2011), Bisexualtity and Queer Theory (2012), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003)

Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 of 8 - Snippets of Eros - When a "No" Becomes a "Yes"

Dear Earthlings:

The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday's forbidden themes.  Let's see if their mysteries are revealed.

Eros is a story that staved off the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias, California and Italy.  

Can a "no" become a "yes"?  That's one of the main themes.  Many a "no" has turned into a "yes" since time immemorial.  Yet the very question became taboo.  Why?  If we respect a "no" that becomes a "yes," we will respect a "yes" that becomes a "no."  Isn't that a win-win?  A world where love can change our minds is a world where love abounds.

Here are yours truly's reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story. 

Eros Cover"Campus culture was increasingly aware of rape, and Stephane and i could not help but notice that the rapist was always male, the raped female.  . . . "There must be a way in which a woman can rape a man" I commented.  And that's how we came to see our erotic performances, especially those in which I was the initiator, as examples of male rape. . . .
But when a man's voice says no, his body might be saying yes with a flamboyant erection.  In this case, the man's voice and his genitals make two opposite statements.  "Which one is more correct?" we wondered.  In the past, rape had been a crime against the woman's family, often repaired with the rapist marrying the girl" (17).

The narrative continues as Stephane and Gaia bask in their amorous erotic play.  Oh blessed be! 

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ecosexualidad: Un Fin de Semana con las Artes de Amar Inclusivamente

Ecosexualidad: Un Fin de Semana con las Artes de Amar Inclusivamente

San Juan, Puerto Rico, marzo 11-12, 2012

Solo $ 120 hasta enero 31, 2012!  ¿List@ para apuntarte?  Aprovecha el descuento de matricula temprana!

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD

Enseñando el primer curso completamente bilingüe en ecosexualidad y el arte de amar inclusivamente.

¿Deseas una comunidad expandida de confianza, amor, placer, intimidad y conexión? ¿Te gustaria desarrollar tus talentos como artista de amor inclusivo?
Unete a nosotr@s para este curso unico el el clima suavizante de Puerto Rico.
Nosotr@s creemos que el amor es un arte. Tenemos la visión de amor como una energía sagrada universal que hace el mundo vibrar con vida. Permitir que esta energía circule y se expanda es lo que hace un artista de amor inclusivo. Cuando se desarrolla conscientemente, el arte de amor inclusivo puede traer creatividad, gozo y paz para nuestras vidas y el mundo. Nosotr@s compartimos nuestro conocimiento en las artes de amar inclusivamente y te guiamos a que desarrolles el tuyo. Traer mas confianza, diversión y abundancia en tu vida amorosa es bueno para ti, los demas y el planeta.
Este taller facilitará tu desarrollo como un artista de amor inclusivo. Enaltecerá tu potencial como recurso de amor para tus comunidades y redes sociales.
Únete a nosotr@s para dos días de ejercicios prácticos y actividades diseñadas para enaltecer tu habilidad de disfrutar un relacionarse significativo y saludable basado en apoyo mutuo, inclusividad, apreciación y confianza. Practica técnicas de comunicación que te ayudan a estar mas presente y comunicado con otros. Ten la experiencia del toque amoroso y modalidades de masaje que crean confianza y te llevan al éxtasis. Comparte profundamente con otros seres que resuenan con tu pasión por la verdad, comunidad, expansividad y la belleza de relaciones autenticas. Aprende a apreciar tus talentos de expresión amorosa y erótica para utilizarlos con respeto y para el placer.  Mantente presente con tu naturaleza como un recurso de amor.
Donde: Residencia de Julio Gerardo Nerys
Calle las Caobas #222
Hyde Park, San Juan PR 00927
Teléfono: 787-425-9093
Cuando: marzo 10-11, 2012
Costo del curso: $240
Por solo $120 hasta enero 31, 2012
Especial para l@s primer@s tres participantes: $ 120 por persona
Aviso: El costo sube el 1 de febrero!
Apuntate con tus amig@s para mas decuentos!
Aviso: disponibe solo en el periodo de matricula temprana!  
Cuatro talleres de 3 horas el sábado y domingo marzo 10-11, 2012
Dos saludables y energizantes almuerzos, con opción vegetariana
Hospitalidad en un espacio seguro y agradable, en la residencia de Julio Gerardo
Traducción completa: Ingles/Español y vice-versa
Algunos temas que estaremos dilucidando incluyen:
¿Que es “compresión” y porque se conoce como el “espíritu del amor inclusivo”?
¿Como podemos practicar amor de maneras fluidas, inclusivas y artísticas?
¿Cual es la naturaleza del amor y como podemos practicar el amor desde ahí?
¿Como podemos crear espacios sagrados donde el amor se puede practicar expansivamente y en seguridad? ¿Como podemos expandir el alcance de emociones que experimentamos como amor? ¿Cómo el alcance de sensaciones que experimentamos como placer se puede expandir también? ¿Cómo podemos generar el amor que necesitamos y permitir que su energía circule en nuestras redes de amigos y familia elegidas? ¿Que ciencias, cosmología y sistemas de conocimiento apoyan practicas de amor de estas maneras imaginativas y visionarias?
Tu traes tus talentos únicos
Nosotr@s apoyamos tu descubrimiento de las artes de amar consciente
Propiedad Intelectual de 3WayKiss
¿Compañía para enlistar? Ofrecemos descuentos para 2 y 3 participantes que se registren juntos.
ESPACIOS LIMITADOS, aprovecha ahora!
En especial ahora por $ 120 por persona
¿Quienes somos? ¿Por qué te traemos esto?
Julio Gerardo Nerys – “Anfitrión” en la Residencia de la Calle las Caobas, desea abrir el primer espacio sagrado para la practica del amor inclusivo en PR.  Traductor para un espacio educacional totalmente bilingüe y bicultural.  Bienvenida su valor e inspiración!
Serena, facilitadora de talleres de Ecosexualidad y amor inclusivo, autora de múltiples libros sobre temas relacionados.
Acerca de la Facilitadora:
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, es escritora, profesora, líder, sanadora y activista en el cambio de paradigma hacia un futuro Gaiano donde la humanidad hace las paces con nuestro planeta “anfitriona”. Ella es líder de talleres y “coach” exitosa sobre el poliamor y temas de bisexualidad. Ella cree que el Movimiento del Sexo Sagrado, el Movimiento de la Ecología Global y el Movimiento de Salud Holística son parte del cambio en el paradigma. Esta actualmente activa en los movimientos y comunidades globales de Poliamor, Bisexualidad, Ecosexualidad y Disidencia del SIDA. Su ultimo libro, “Gaia, the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet’ salio en septiembre 2009, de North Atlantic Books, Berkely.  Ahora esta disponible digitalmente en edición Kindle, y es ganadora de Plata en Cosmología y Nueva Ciencia de los Premios de Libro Nautilus. Serena es una oradora  principal y líder de clase mundial que ha presentado en California, estado de Washington, Nueva Inglaterra , Reino Unido y Grecia. Ella también asiste clientes en asuntos de Ecosexualidad y relaciones.
Serena ofrece sesiones de “coaching” para participantes interesados en relaciones saludables y sustentablemente inclusivas. Enterate del Bonobo Coaching.
P.S. Querid@s terrestres: La educacion es el corazon de la democracia.  Y esto incluye la educacion al amor.  Ella viene en muchas formas.  Eso incluye aprender acerca de la ecosexualidad y las artes de amar inclusivamente. 
¿Disfrutaste el posteo?  Avisanos!  Una servidora aprecia tu atencion.  El buzon de comentarios esta abierto. Vuelve!  Y quedate en espera para mas maravillas.
Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Autora de Gaia and the New Politics of Love  y muchos mas libros Profesora de Humanidades
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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