Poly Planet GAIA | ecosexual love | arts of loving | global holistic health | eros | dissidence

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

CALL for CONTRIBUTIONS - ECOSEXUALITY: The New Orgasmic Revolution on Planet Earth

Call for Contributions


The New Orgasmic Revolution on Planet Earth

A collection of miscellaneous writings on Ecosexuality
Edited by Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Mark Olson, and Lindsay Hagamen.

Ecosexuality has emerged as a socially transformative movement where the energies of activism, art, theory, and practice coalesce.  It is a style of amorous, erotic, sexual, and artistic expression that extends love and agency to nature as an equal.  Ecosexuals theorize human bodies as ecosystems similar to those that make up our hostess, lover, and mother--Earth.  Ecosexual practices reconnect the metabolism of our species to the metabolism of third planet Earth.  Ecosexuals believe that humans are nature.  Ecosexuals are artists of love who wed themselves to nature and invent imaginative ways to extend equal rights to all its elements and life forms.  They come in all colors, genders, ages, backgrounds, and orientations.  Ecosex activism brings more fun, passion, hope and diversity to the environmental and holistic health movements.  It generates global awareness of love as the ecology of life on planet Earth.  Ecosexuality can awaken erotic feelings for nature, including human nature as a highly erotic species.  It revisits every aspect of life as an opportunity for the intellectual, spiritual, political and artistic expression of ecosexual love and its inclusive orgasmic potential.

   We invite contributions on any aspect of Ecosexuality including those mentioned above and many more.

   We accept contributions in various genres, including academic studies, philosophical, theoretical, and critical articles, reports from the field, testimonial writings, personal narratives, interviews, dialogs, debates, poems, scripts from workshop presentations and performance pieces, artists’ pages or other visual representations, reports from events, courses, and other transformative experiences, and more.  

   Love is the heart of democracy, and as the 99 percent reinvents this practice as a horizontal system of participation and inclusion, we invite Gaia, the third planet, to grace us with her hospitality and sustenance.  May this volume speak her voice too.

   Please send all submissions and inquiries to serena.anderlini@gmail.com.  Proposals will be accepted by email (MS-Word).  Please send an abstract and/or description of what you'd like to contribute.  Our tentative date for complete submissions is now February 1st, 2014.  Please send either a complete contribution or a one-page proposal, plus a bio. 

   A very respected independent publisher in the field has expressed a serious interest in doing this book.  We will secure the best agreement and distribution.

   If you are a voice in the paradigm shift at hand and its transformative movements, this call is an opportunity you don't want to miss.  Let us hear from you!  Please POST this call as widely as possible too!  Thank you!
   Please let us know if we can answer any questions.  We'll stay tuned!

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Fellow at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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Friday, August 3, 2012

3 of 26 - De l'Absurdite des vers - Mohamed Nait Youssef

Dear Earthlings:

My gift this year is a collection of 26 poems in my favorite language, French.  It's the language of love, so full of charm and mystery and music.  Those earth tones, warm vowels that feel like deep ocher.  It produces oxytocin, at least for me.  The author, Mohamed Nait Youssef, is a promising voice.  Very touching, heartfelt his journey into awareness.  Here is the third in the series.  We'll come back every Friday.

« Le monde est le manuscrit d’un autre, inaccessible à une lecture universelle et que seule l’existence déchiffre ».

3. Je t’aime :
(A l’humanité)
Dès ce premier salut carnin[1]
Je t’aime
Ce joli regard D’été
Sur le visage du ciel
            Un rayon jaune citrin                                   
Les lèvres corallines
De notre amour chalin[2]
Ô petit cœur sanguin !!!
De larmes chaudes
Comme l’ivresse d’un brandevin[3]
Dans l’attente…
Du printemps
Après le passage de chamsin[4]
Pour t’écrire ce petit mot vertin[5]
Sur la cédule de notre souvenir casin
Je t’aime,
Comme les vents étésiens[6]
Et violentes guerres d’antan
Je t’aime
Comme ce petit vent Garbin[7]

[1] Carnin : n.m. charme (la curne).
[2] Chalin : n.m éclair de chaleur.
[3] Brandevin : n.m. terme emprunté de l’allemand, dont  on se sert pour signifier de l’eau-de-vie (Dict. de l’académie 1762)
[4] Chamsin : n.m. vent d’Egypte qui souffle pendant cinquante jours, vingt-cinq jours avant l’équinoxe du printemps et autant après.
[5]  Vertin : n.m qui a une relation avec l’imagination (la curne)
[6] Etésiens : les vents étésiens, vents du nord qui soufflent dans la Méditerranée chaque année après le lever de la canicule, et qui tempèrent la chaleur de l’été pendant quarante jours environ.
[7] Garbin : (gar-bin), n.m. nom d’un petit vent du sud-ouest, sur les  Côtes de la Méditerranée.

Published here with permission.  Reach the author:
Mohamed NAIT YOUSSEF né en 1988 à Tripoli Libye. Étudiant de la littérature française à la faculté poly-disciplinaire d’Errachidia. Jeune issu du Sud-est du Maroc -village qui s’appelait, Gourrama, dans province de Midelt.

Dear Earthlings,
Remember to come back every Monday for another poem by Mohamed. And tell all your French-speaking friends to show up to.  "Like" our blog and keep us in mind when you have something interesting.  Meanwhile, watch for snippets from Serena's new book, What Is Love?  She dares to answer the million dollar question in this one.  Would like to pre-read?  Find out how to endorse her book here.
Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders.  And check out out vacation offerings.   

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini
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Friday, July 27, 2012

2 of 26 - De l'Absurdite des vers - Mohamed Nait Youssef

Dear Earthlings:

My gift this year is a collection of 26 poems in my favorite language, French.  It's the language of love, so full of charm and mystery and music.  Those earth tones, warm vowels that feel like deep ocher.  It produces oxytocin, at least for me.  The author, Mohamed Nait Youssef, is a promising voice.  Very touching, heartfelt his journey into awareness.  Here is the second in the series.  We'll come back every Friday.

« Le monde est le manuscrit d’un autre, inaccessible à une lecture universelle et que seule l’existence déchiffre ».
2. Mémoire :
Je viens de toucher ce souvenir visage
Quelques traits,
Une trace et atroce clivage
Je viens de rappeler ce merveilleux rivage
Quelques beaux moments et un amour
Mieux que tous les pèlerinages
Vous étiez maléfique et vous aurez  belle
Quelque soit ton âge
Tu  t’éternises toutes les langues et tous les ouvrages
Tes mots, citations et phrases
Elles ont été  sélectionnées  par les raisons des sages
Ton livre n’a pas de début, ni fin
Et il ne connaît pas de finissage
Vous habitez cette sainte histoire écrite à l’infini de pages
Tu es la vie, le rêve, et l’expérience
Tu es l’homme, le monde et l’existence…
Tu es témoin sur mon passé
L’amie de mon présent
Et fondatrice de mon avenir
Tu es cette eau limpide et pure comme la neige
Vous êtes ce ciel libre et nos souhaits que portent les nuages
Vous demeuriez  dans nos âmes
Comme ce joli parfum d’une femme après son passage
Mes mots sont éphémères  devant  cette modeste  louange
Sois lait et neige
Sois mon passé visage
Mon présent sage
Pour  notre merveilleux rivage…
Published here with permission.  Reach the author:
Mohamed NAIT YOUSSEF né en 1988 à Tripoli Libye. Étudiant de la littérature française à la faculté poly-disciplinaire d’Errachidia. Jeune issu du Sud-est du Maroc -village qui s’appelait, Gourrama, dans province de Midelt.

Dear Earthlings,
Remember to come back every Monday for another poem by Mohamed. And tell all your French-speaking friends to show up to.  "Like" our blog and keep us in mind when you have something interesting.  Meanwhile, watch for snippets from Serena's new book, What Is Love?  She dares to answer the million dollar question in this one.  Would like to pre-read?  Find out how to endorse her book here.
Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders.  And check out out vacation offerings.   

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini
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Friday, July 20, 2012

1 of 26 - De l'Absurdite des vers - Mohamed Nait Youssef

Dear Earthlings:

My gift this year is a collection of 26 poems in my favorite language, French.  It's the language of love, so full of charm and mystery and music.  Those earth tones, warm vowels that feel like deep ocher.  It produces oxytocin, at least for me.  The author, Mohamed Nait Youssef, is a promising voice.  Very touching, heartfelt his journey into awareness.  Here is the first in the series.  We'll come back every Friday.

« Le monde est le manuscrit d’un autre, inaccessible à une lecture universelle et que seule l’existence déchiffre ».
1. Le crépuscule d’une icône :
À la mémoire d’Abdelkébir Khatibi

La lettre est violée,
 hélas !
Et j’ai lu quelques ivres mots.
Je sens que l’écriture est vagabonde
Dans le labyrinthe du signe obscur
Qui jette le sang d’un mot futur
Dans la vierge mémoire dure
Pour que la parole naisse
Entre les bras du silence
Pour que tu donnes de l’existence
À mes angoisses nuits d’hiver…
Ô ma mère !!!
Que ce jaune rouge pâle
Et goût amer
Graphe  sur  mon corps
Comme ce rêve au-delà de l’air
Mot sanguin
Tatouer sur le visage de la mer
Signe, graphe, trace, identité, mot, parole et mémoire
Cher frère
Toutes les tribus  et tous les déserts ???

Published here with permission.  Reach the author:
Mohamed NAIT YOUSSEF né en 1988 à Tripoli Libye. Étudiant de la littérature française à la faculté poly-disciplinaire d’Errachidia. Jeune issu du Sud-est du Maroc -village qui s’appelait, Gourrama, dans province de Midelt.

Dear Earthlings,
Remember to come back every Monday for another poem by Mohamed. And tell all your French-speaking friends to show up to.  "Like" our blog and keep us in mind when you have something interesting.  Meanwhile, watch for snippets from Serena's new book, What Is Love?  She dares to answer the million dollar question in this one.  Would like to pre-read?  Find out how to endorse her book here.
Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders.  And check out out vacation offerings.  

Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 

Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author's Page/Lists all books: 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/
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